Each of her shows has been very successful. In the year 2004, Martha also faced a huge setback in her career. This was when she was charged for the ImClone stock trading case. For this, she also had to serve five whole months in jail, but later she proved innocent. After this case the chances of her television career-ending were high. But she never gave up and came back with her show in the year 2005. And after that in the year 2006, her company also started making profits. She also rejoined the board of directors of her company and later became the chairperson of her company n the year 2012. Sequential brands acquired the company in the year 2015.

Early Life and More

Stewart was born on the 3rd of August 1941 in Jersey City in New Jersey to parents Edward Kostyra and Martha Ruszkowski Kostyra. While growing she grew up with six other siblings and is of Polish heritage. When she was only 10 years old, she started working as a babysitter and also organized birthday parties for some. At the age of 15, she worked as a model and also appeared in a commercial. While she was in college, she supported her studies via scholarships and doing modeling jobs. And her clients also included the Channel brand. She married Andrew Stewart in the year 1961, he was a law student at Yale. She also had a daughter named Alexis. But this couple divorced in the year 1990. After that, she dated a lot of men including a famous billionaire Charles Simonyi, who was also an early employee of the Microsoft Company. She was a huge animal lover. And used to wear fur a lot. But stooped wearing them after her daughter threw light on the matter. Her stepmother who was also known as Big Martha, Passed away on the 16th of Nov 2007. Currently, she lives in Katonah, a hamlet of the town of Bedford in New York. And she also maintains a 35,000-square-foot residence on Mount Desert Island in Seal Harbor in Maine, called Skylands. In the year 2020, Jimmy Kimmel appeared on a show named Finding Your Roots, and in that, it was revealed that he was her cousin.

Who is Martha Stewart Dating?

The first female self-made billionaire surely will choose the best, and this also applies to her partners. After her divorce from Andrew Stewart. She dated Anthony Hopkins but soon broke up with him. She then also dated the billionaire Charles Simonyi who was an early employee in Microsoft for almost 15 years. But their relationship was on and off. She finally broke up with him in the year 2008. After she split with Charles she did not have any other significant relationship after that. But she did say that she had made a profile at matchmakers.com and had also gone on a few dates. But none of them seemed worthwhile. She has also described her ideal type of man. The expectations are pretty high, after all, she Martha Stewart. She wants her man to be funny, Kind of athletic not afraid of heights, and also younger than her. That too almost ten years. At the moment, she has not found anyone who has fit all these qualities. So currently Martha Stewart is very much single.

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